I’ve written a fair number of sites with hunchentoot, cl-who, and parenscript. In each one, I write a couple of macros that look something like this:
(defmacro with-authenticated-user (&rest body)
(let ((uid (session-uid ...)))
(when (not (is-this-session-valid? uid))
(redirect "/"))
Strangely I never seemed to remember that hunchentoot uses a seemingly sly method of capturing *request*
that would be very handy, not to mention simple, to implement.
(define-easy-handler (test-handler :uri "/test") ()
; (when (request-method *request*) ...
; (when (request-method) ...
Both of those calls to request-method
are correct and do the right thing. How?
The answer is probably obvious to you, but it took a fair bit of digging in the hunchentoot source to see it for myself.
First, at the top level, we have a simple defvar
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
(defmacro defvar-unbound (name &optional (doc-string ""))
(defvar ,name)
(setf (documentation ',name 'variable) ,doc-string)
(defvar-unbound *request*)
So, *request*
is there, it just depends on it’s scope whether it’s bound or not.
My solution might be ham-handed, I’ll have to experiment more, but this is already a lot more simple than what I had before.
(defclass auth ()
((uid :initarg :uid
:reader auth-uid)
(admin :initarg :admin
:reader auth-admin)
(person :initarg :person
:reader auth-person)))
(defvar *authentication*)
(defun auth-person* (&optional (authentication *authentication*))
(auth-person authentication))
(defun auth-admin* (&optional (authentication *authentication*))
(auth-admin authentication))
(defun auth-uid* (&optional (authentication *authentication*))
(auth-uid authentication))
(defmacro with-authentication (&rest body)
(let ((person (gensym))
(uid (gensym)))
`(let* ((,uid (hunchentoot-secure-cookie:get-secure-cookie "uid"))
(,person (and ,uid (car (with-pg (select-dao 'person (:= 'uid ,uid)))))))
(let ((*authentication* (make-instance 'auth
:uid ,uid
:person ,person
:admin (and ,person
(person-admin ,person)))))
(define-easy-handler (test :uri "/test") ()
(unless (auth-person*)
(redirect "/")) ; not logged in!