This is a really bad idea and you shouldn’t do it. I’m leaving it here because I like seeing how my knowledge has changed and grown over the years. If you want something like this, you should use generics and methods instead.
This is my go-to macro for using databases in CL. It is a modification of a macro that I got from another site, which I can’t seem to find at the moment. I came across it not long ago looking for something else, so I know it’s still out there. I’ll update this post when I find it.
(defmodel people ((name :col-type text
:accessor people-name
:initarg :name
:export t))
Evaluating that will
| Find a record based on a query.
| Find a record with a uuid |
| Remove a people record from the database. |
| Get all of the people records. |
Now the challenge is to put this in a package and make it importable in a sane way.